Find out all the tips and tricks to knitting short-rows in two-color brioche with this video tutorial!
I recommend an adaption of the Wrap & Turn technique for two-color brioche short-rows. In addition to wrapping a brioche stitch a certain way, the stitches that are not worked in that row need to be dealt with:
- For a small number of stitches, it’s easiest to slip those remaining stitches from one needle to the other whenever they are in the way.
- For a larger number stitches, I recommend to „park“ those stitches on an extra set of circular needles (like on a stitch holder) so they are out of the way while working the short-rows but are easily accessible when working full rows again. This method is also used in the following set-by-step instructions.
You should always have at least one full row of brioche finished before starting with short-rows.

In the photo above you see a little swatch I made to showcase two-color brioche short-rows. I used a different foreground color in the full rows (light gray speckles) than the short-rows (pink), the background color stays the same (medium gray). The lower pink triangle is created by working short-rows on the right side (wrapping on the RS, then turning to the WS), the upper pink triangle is created by working short-rows on the wrong side (wrapping on the WS, then turning to the RS).
This is how you do it, step by step:
→ Download the Step-by-Step instructions as a printable PDF worksheet!
Wrapping and turning on the Right Side
- Work a RS row in brioche with your foreground color (brk1, sl1yo) to the turning point, ending with a sl1yo. Then wrap the next stitch as follows: bring the yarn to the front, then slip the next stitch onto the right needle, and bring the yarn to the back again and drop the working yarn in the back of the work. Slip the remaining active stitches of the row (including the wrapped stitch) onto a stitch holder, then slide working stitches to the other side of the needle to work the next row.
- Work a RS row in brioche with your background color (sl1yo, brp1) until you reach the end of your active stitches (all other are on holder). Drop the working yarn in front of your work. Turn your work.
- Work a WS row in brioche with your foreground color, starting with a sl1yo. Slide the active stitches on the other side of your needle.
- Work a WS row in brioche with your background color, starting with a brk1 stitch. Turn your work and repeat from Step 1.
Picking up the Wrap: Brioche knit the stitch together with the wrap. To do this, insert your right needle first through the wrap, then through the stitch and knit them together.
Wrapping and turning on the Wrong Side
- Work a WS row in brioche with your foreground color (brp1, sl1yo) to the turning point, ending with a sl1yo. Then wrap the next stitch as follows: slip the next stitch onto the right needle, then bring the yarn to the front and drop it. Transfer the rest of the stitches of the row including the wrapped stitch onto a stitch holder or spare needle, then slide all active stitches to the other end of the needle
- Work a WS row in brioche with your background color (sl1yo, brk1) until you reach the end of your active stitches (all other are on holder). Drop the working yarn in back of your work. Turn your work.
- Work a RS row in brioche with your foreground color, starting with a sl1yo. Slide the active stitches on the other side of your needle.
- Work a RS row in brioche with your background color, starting with a brp1 stitch. Turn your Work and repeat from Step 1.
Picking up the Wrap: Pick up the wrap from the back of the work and place it onto the left needle, then brioche purl the stitch together with the wrap.