Mit frischen Farben, und innovativer Schnittführung sind die Strickmuster-Designs von Susanne Sommer immer modern, grafisch und geradlinig, und dabei immer auch tragbar und bequem.
SOSU-Strickmuster sind sowohl für Anfänger_innen als auch geübte Stricker_innen geeignet.
Susanne ist spezialisiert auf geometrische Designs, gestrickt mit zweifarbigem Patent.
Mit frischen Farben, und innovativer Schnittführung sind die Strickmuster-Designs von Susanne Sommer immer modern, grafisch und geradlinig, und dabei immer auch tragbar und bequem.
SOSU-Strickmuster sind sowohl für Anfänger_innen als auch geübte Stricker_innen geeignet.
Susanne ist spezialisiert auf geometrische Designs, gestrickt mit zweifarbigem Patent.
The studio renovation is almost complete!
Now it’s time to organize the yarn and samples and find the perfect spot for them.
Before, my stash was organized by color, and while it was pretty, I could never find the yarn that I had planned to use together in a project. So I decided to organize the yarn by brand/dyer first and weight/color second. And while it is certainly not as visually stunning, I think it’s going to be a lot more practical.
How is your stash organized? Do you have any tips to share?
The samples are up next and then it’s mostly some remaining bits and bobs - and a comfy knitting chair that I have yet to find! 🤞
Almost finished! 🎉🎉🎉
The renovation of my knitting office is (almost) finished!
The floors are tiled, the walls insulated and painted white, the electrical has been moved further up the walls - all in an effort to minimize damage in a possible future flooding event.
As the climate crisis continues and weather extremes are the new norm, I’m doing all I can to make the space I have as resilient as it can be.
Now I only have to furnish the new office space with lots of storage options and move all my yarn, samples, and al the tech back in. 🎉
Thanks for sticking with me while I’ve been taking a break to complete the renovation! 🩷
Studio renovation update! 🎉
After the flooding in October that destroyed my studio, it slowly starts to look like a room again, not just a dusty mess of a construction site.
I installed the new insulation in January and let the plaster dry for several weeks. Last week it was time for a fresh coat of white paint, which made a huge difference.
And this week I’m tiling the floor. I’ve done this once before, years and years ago, and it has not become less exhausting since! 😅 But I made a great start yesterday and will hopefully have the floor finished by the end of the week.
I really loved the terrazzo design of the tiles, which goes so well with the mid-century house. And they remind me of speckled yarn! 🩷
I’ve been choosing materials that will be able to withstand any future flooding, and are gentle to the environment throughout.
Farewell to my Twisted Cowl, who decided to stay in Madrid without me. 💔
We only had a short time together, and you either fell in love with Madrid, or out of my bag. Either way I wish you a wonderful life in this beautiful city and hope you find a new family that appreciates your wooly warmth, bright colors, and fluffy Brioche goodness.
Tldr: I lost my new cowl in Madrid, which gives me a great excuse to cast on another one! 🫣
#SOSUknits #SosuTwistedCowl #BriocheKnitting #knitting
Thank you all for a wonderful weekend full of Brioche knitting, yarn, and lovely people at @loveyarnmadrid!
What a treat to be among such a wonderful crowd and getting to soak up some much needed sunshine, inspiration, and joy.
Thank you to all the knitters who joined my classes, my wonderful translator, to the vendors of the most beautiful yarn and accessories, everyone who said hi, the city of Madrid in general, and of course the fantastic organizers of the festival who invited me to be part of it all!
#SOSUknits #LoveYarnMadrid #KnittingFestival #YarnShow #BriocheClass #BriocheWorkshop #knitting
The Twisted Cowl is here!
And I’m bringing this brand-new reversible Brioche cowl design to @loveyarnmadrid this weekend.
The Twisted Cowl is knit with 2 colors of DK weight yarn and featured reversible Brioche cables along the bandana tip.
For an extra fluffy version, swap one of the DK weight colors for a Fingering and fluffy Lace weight yarn held together.
The sample is knit with @tukuwool DK and Fingering and @hedgehogfibres Kidsilk Lace.
The pattern is available in English and German on Ravelry & Payhip - just follow the link in my profile.
Happy Brioche knitting!
(Unbezahlte Werbung wegen Markennennung/unpaid promotion)
#SOSUknits #SosuTwistedCowl #Briocheknitting #knitting #stricken
I‘ve been struggling to scrape together every bit of energy I can muster since returning from my epic adventure. I think the exhaustion from construction, prep, traveling, and jet-lag has finally caught up to me.
I‘ve pretty much just been sleeping, listening to podcasts and trying (and failing) to slip back into a routine. I‘m so sorry to everyone I owe a reply to an email or enquiry! Thank you for your patience! 🩷
To cheer me up and get the creativity flowing, I grabbed the largest needles around and this beautifully bright yarn and cast on a fun slip-over top in the most ridiculous Brioche gauge the other night.
I only have one skein of each color and I’m going to make the most of it, winging it all the way! 😅
It feels good to have something on the needles that is just pure fun. It’s freeing!
Wow, I can’t believe VKL has come to an end! The whole weekend felt like a whirlwind of excitement. I was so caught up in the moment that I totally forgot to snap any pictures! What an adventure it was!
I am truly impressed by the skills of all the knitters in my classes. Everyone was exceptionally kind and supportive, and we all shared the joy of coming together at such a great event.
Thank you to everyone who attended my Brioche classes, said hi in the marketplace, and to my fellow teachers, even though I only got to see you briefly before we spent most of the weekend in our classes. A special thanks to the amazing organizers of @vogueknittingonline!
#SOSUknits #VKLive2025 #vkl2025 #knitting #YarnShow
I’m on my way to Vogue Knitting Live New York and I have a brand-new design for this wonderful occasion. 🎉
The Rhona shawl features a graphic two-color Brioche pattern and relaxing horizontal ribbing in a medium sized shawl.
It’s knit in Light Fingering weight yarn in two colors.
The pattern is now available on Ravelry & Payhip - and my Birthday sale discount gets you a whopping 39% discount: use the code HAPPY39 at checkout.
If you want to find out more about how to play with colors in Brioche - just like you see in this shawl - there are some last spots available in my “Color Play with Syncopated Brioche” Class on Sunday, and a last few in the Brioche Fade class on Saturday as well.
#SOSUknits #knitting #KnittingPattern #VKLive2025 #BriocheStitch #SosuRhonaShawl
Celebrate my birthday with me and shop SOSU knitting patterns in the biggest sale of the year! 🎁🧶🎉
Use the code HAPPY39 on Ravelry and Payhip to get 39% off all self-published patterns from January 12-20.
Already shopped out? Sharing is caring, too! 🩷 Like, share, comment on or bookmark this post instead, it really does make a huge difference!
Follow the link in my profile to my pattern stores on Ravelry and Payhip or shop via my website
Happy knitting! 🩷
#SOSUknits #KnittingPattern #KnittingPatternSale #ItsMyBirthday
I’m knee deep in preparation for Vogue Knitting Live NYC next week! (Ahhhhhh!)
I made tags for all my design samples that include some basic info and a QR code/link. And of course all these tags need to be attached to the knit garments somehow. 😅
Luckily I have loads of stitch markers and colorful yarn at the ready. Just another reason why a healthy stash of yarn and knitting accessories is essential! 🤓😉🧶🩷
Another step closer to @vogueknittingonline! 🎉
If you’ve been thinking about attending, I can’t recommend it highly enough! VKL is an absolute blast and if you want to dive a little deeper into the beautiful Brioche stitch (and see my samples up close), there are some last spots available in some of my classes.
You can find a link to more info in my profile!
#SOSUknits #knitting #briocheknitting #vklive2025 #yarnshowprep #knittingclass #knitweardesigner
Každou řadu si říkám, jestli to triko budu ještě letos nosit 🫣. Už samo pletení dvou přízí je pro mě náročné, každou druhou řadu střídání barev a to přidávání mě asi zabije, abych to nabrala hezky, no zlaté vyplétání. A to nemluvím o tom, že mi vzorek vyšel úplně jinak, tak jsem hýbala velikostí a nevím jestli nebudu párat.
Ale na druhou stranu vím, že přesně takové triko potřebuju, a ty barvy jsou 🤍🩵
#everydayattitudetee #sosuknits #jarnikalsvlnenymisestrami
The studio renovation is almost complete!
Now it’s time to organize the yarn and samples and find the perfect spot for them.
Before, my stash was organized by color, and while it was pretty, I could never find the yarn that I had planned to use together in a project. So I decided to organize the yarn by brand/dyer first and weight/color second. And while it is certainly not as visually stunning, I think it’s going to be a lot more practical.
How is your stash organized? Do you have any tips to share?
The samples are up next and then it’s mostly some remaining bits and bobs - and a comfy knitting chair that I have yet to find! 🤞
Happy crafty Sunday everybody! Jessica is currently working on her #briochemodeshawl which is appropriate for this weekend since Night Sky is back! The contrast colour in this shawl is Opal but Cosmos is a great substitute! The Brioche Mode wrap is such a great pattern full of contrasting stripes (favourite thing). Designed by Susanne Sommer of #SOSUknits, this knit takes you in every direction! This version is the 2 colour version which takes 2 skeins of each colour.
Currently we have a 20% sale running in the shop on *almost everything* it ends tonight Sunday March 16th at 11:59pm ET in celebration of our 5th Anniversary! 🎉
#fullmoonfibres #handdyedyarn #indiedyer #yarnlove #yarnporn #knittersofinstagram #shawlknitting #knitknitknit #nevernotknitting #knitting #shawlknitter #knitting_inspiration #knittinginspiration #knitttersgonnaknit #knittinglife #knitwear #knittinginstagram #briocheknitting #brioche #knittinglove #sockknittersofinstagram #sockknitting #yarninspiration
Un peu de douceur en cette période un peu beaucoup compliquée…
Patron // Pattern: Slice of Light sosuknits
Laines // Yarn:
-Base Dr Wool, coloris Mirana arcoirisyarns
-Base Halo, non-teint bynightcreations
Bon dimanche à toutes et tous 💫
#kniteatrepeat #jetricotecequejeporte #lestricotsdelodie #elodieknits #knittersofinstagram #knitknitknit #tricoteuse #handmadebyelo #handmadebyme❤️ #faitmainparmoi #strikk #strikking #knittingismyyoga #knittingisthenewyoga #knitlover #knitlove #iknitmyownclothes #nevernotknitting #knittingismyyoga #knittingaddict #knittinglove #chaletricote #knitshawl #chaletricot #jetricotemonstash #sliceoflightshawl #sosuknits #sosuknitsdesigns #chalesliceoflight
KAL se sosuknits Fernweh 💕 Brioche - ideální technika pro vyčištění hlavy😄 #kalsvlnenymisestrami2025 #jarnikalsvlnenymisestrami2025 #sosuknits #fernwehshawl #townhouseyarns #madelinetosh #knitting #knittersofinstagram #knitstagram #knittingismyhappyplace
Mein nächster Gridlines von sosuknits - die perfekte Anleitung für wilde Wollstränge, da durch das quer stricken wenig Varianz in der Maschenanzahl vorhanden ist und damit kein Pooling entsteht. Zudem ist die Anleitung super variabel und auch eine abweichene Reihen-Maschenprobe lässt sich gut ausgleichen.
Das Garn ist Balance von lismiknits in der Farbe Küstenzauber, wie immer ein Träumchen zum Verstricken.
#lismiknits #sosuknits #gridlinessweater #knit
Letní kardigan Summer Longing od Susanne Sommer z Laine č. 9 jsem si chtěla uplést už dlouho, jen pořád nepřišel ten správný impuls pro nahození... dokud vlnenesestry nevyhlásily jarní KAL 🙃
Jak to budu stíhat mezi kojením nového přírůstku a stavěním vlaků ze všeho co přijde pod ruku se starším přírůstkem, mi není úplně jasné - tohle totiž nebude úplně "televizní" pletení, návod má rozepsanou každou řadu... 🫣 Výsledek ale bude stát za to!
Příze: Sandnes Garn Line (odstín 4033)
#pleteni #sandnesgarnline #sosuknits #summerlongingcardigan
Brioche poprvé 🎬
#jarnikalsvlnenymisestrami2025 #fernwehshawl #sosuknits #litlg #pletenijeradost
Na KAL se Sosuknits jsem měla nachystané zbytky a další 2 klubka až do chvíle než jsem zjistila, že už jsem jeden odstín použila v posledním Vertices Unite v dost velké ploše a další šátek jsem z něj teď nechtěla. Byl mi ten odstín povědomý, no co už😉😄 Tak znovu a jinak a vybrat spontánně a hned si navinout, abych už dál nekombinovala a nahodila😀 Tak poprvé POP odstín Tosh Merino Light Plastic Flamingo a k němu 2 krásky od townhouseyarns 💕 Tu záři teď potřebuju víc než jindy🔥🔥🔥 #kalsvlnenymisestrami2025 #jarnikalsvlnenymisestrami2025 #sosuknits #fernwehshawl #briocheknitting #townhouseyarns #madelinetoshyarn #knitting #knittingaddict #knittersofinstagram #knitstagram #knittingismyhappyplace
My #briochemysteryshawl designed by sosuknits in the wild (literally) 💜 lovingly worn by my friend/family juliekreke ‘s beautiful daughter Bella 🤗 isn’t she just gorgeous?
No siis onko parempaa kuin kahvi, pulla ja kaksisäikeinen villalanka? En oo ainakaan vielä keksinyt mitään tän voittanutta.
Puikoilla on Susanne Sommerin Travel Mode Baby Blanket. Lankana ohut Pirkka sekä yksi kerä Tukuwoolin Repoa. Näin saattoi käydä kun nupunupun toi töihin hänelle vääränvärisiä villalankoja, joita en siis pystynyt vastustamaan.
#pirkkalanka #ohutpirkka #tukuwoolfingering #travelmodebabyblanket #sosuknits #vauvaneuleet